GTD and Siri

A few weeks ago I watched the Lynda.com1 GTD video David Allen put together. It’s a very solid introduction to GTD and why you might want to put the system to use, but it’s not as comprehensive as the book. Still, it was a good refresher course for me.

While I was watching it, I was trying to capture thoughts that were bouncing around my head. When my hands are tied up (as when I’m driving, or in this case, at the gym) I usually use Siri to capture my thoughts in Omnifocus. I asked Siri to “Remember to schedule meeting with Tobe”. She recognized what I was saying, but didn’t quite parse it correctly:

“I didn't find any meetings with Tobe about ‘Remember to schedule’ in the next three months.”

This is the kind of glitch that makes Siri so frustrating to use. It was so close to correct, but didn’t even capture a reminder, since it was searching the calendar.

  1. Yes, I know I’ve been watching a lot of Lynda videos - this has become what I do when I hit the gym. I’ll use the elliptical (decent head stability) while learning something with Lynda on the iPhone.