I just discovered the OmniOutliner to Taskpaper plugin.
I haven’t cracked Twitter open since the great API deprecation. Instead, I’m staying on top of the Micro.blog timeline, and catching up on articles I’ve cached over the last few months. This feels like a really positive change. #breakingmytwitter
Kate Wagner’s dissection of Betsy DeVos’s mansion is stellar:
let’s be real this is just a White House Black Market outlet store attached to an architectural cruise ship that ran aground in a tragic maritime accident caused by the intersecting conditions of wealth and bad taste
Jane just published a story in Guernica!
Post-chore beverage.
Anyone interested in catching Los Campesinos! at the Sinclair in Cambridge in November?
I caught Radiohead at TD Garden last night; they played a really great set:
- Daydreaming
- Desert Island Disk
- Ful Stop
- 2 + 2 = 5
- Myxomatosis
- All I Need
- Videotape
- No Surprises
- Everything in Its Right Place
- Bloom
- Separator
- Reckoner
- The National Anthem
- How to Disappear Completely
- You and Whose Army?
- There There
- Street Spirit (Fade Out)
- Optimistic
- Nude
- The Numbers
- Lotus Flower
- Fake Plastic Trees
- Idioteque
- Exit Music (for a Film)
- Karma Police
The news that Ofo is pulling out of Worcester is disheartening, but it sounds like a larger problem with their US operations. Hopefully another bike-sharing company will seize the opportunity.
Anyone interested in buying a $2.1 million house in Worcester?
Tv. da Espera, Lisboa, Portugal