Category Archives: Uncategorized

Connecting a Camera to Max/MSP/Jitter

Andrew Benson over at the Cycling ‘74 site put together a really solid post on connecting a camera to your Max patch:

Making Connections: Camera Data

He covers the hardware requirements (cost, Quicktime drivers for mac users, and manual controls) as well as the handling you may want in your patch.  What frame rate do you want to deal with?  What are a few ways you could extract useful information from the feed?

Pro Tools – Shortcut of the Week (2009.07.27)

Pro Tools is a strong multi-track editing program, but unless you’re willing to drop some change on a custom keyboard, it can be tough to learn all the keyboard shortcuts.  I’m featuring one a week in an attempt to highlight the tricks I find most useful.

Set and enable pre/post time roll: Option-Click with Selector before or after selection

This is a follow up to last week’s shortcut, and an easy way to adjust the pre and post roll times.  Don’t forget that Command+3 will get you over to the Selector tool.  Again, pre-roll is a great alternative to manually punching!

Pro Tools – Shortcut of the Week (2009.07.20)

Pro Tools is a strong multi-track editing program, but unless you’re willing to drop some change on a custom keyboard, it can be tough to learn all the keyboard shortcuts.  I’m featuring one a week in an attempt to highlight the tricks I find most useful.

Enable or disable pre/post time roll: Command+K

Pre-roll is a great tool for recording punch-ins, allowing you to specify exact points for both the start of playback and the record start points.  I’ve always preferred this to manual punching, probably because I haven’t practiced it much.  Regardless, being able to toggle the pre/post roll is a guaranteed time saver in a tracking session; I always find myself flipping between the two modes.

I just stumbled onto this site the other day. is a guide to the models of PS3 that support SACD playback, their availability, catalog, and mods to improve the audio quality.

Interestingly, none of the mods are circuit based.  They all have to do mechanical modifications, which will affect the resonance modes of the disc.  This improves laser tracking, but what if skipping isn’t an issue?  What sort of improvements will you hear?  I raised this question a while back, while discussing BluSpec discs.  It’s looking like I’ll need to dig into it a bit.