Revisiting my first exposure to M83 while doing some writing this morning: Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts by M83
Category Archives: Micro
Friday night 🔥
Amazing. Pornhub is offering to send snow plows to anyone who wants to “get plowed” in today’s storm: A Porn Website Is Offering to Plow Snow in Boston for Free
This is a great post on the details of Bash startup file loading order: Zsh/Bash startup files loading order (.bashrc, .zshrc etc.) | The Lumber Room
This pretty much sums up my feelings about The OA, except there wasn’t anything I liked: The OA review: If I told you anything about Netflix’s new show, you wouldn’t believe me
This is a solid playlist from Pitchfork for getting work done: The 50 Best Ambient Albums of All Time
Still taking in the new Los Campesinos! album — so far, really enjoying it. Sick Scenes by Los Campesinos!
1Password is offering a sale this week - a family subscription gets you 10 members (instead of 5). Finally subscribing: Happy Family Day - 1Password
Interesting interview with Brian Eno — I’ve always been fascinated by how he works: A Conversation With Brian Eno About Ambient Music | Pitchfork
I can’t get this cue from The Young Pope out of my head: Levo by Recondite