This new Codable protocol will probably tip me over the edge to building new data models as Swift structs.
Category Archives: Micro
I followed one of these home; I would have love to have had the chance to ask the buyer a few questions: It’s Cheap, but Is It Overpriced? -
My Apple ⌚️ (series 0) backlight just died. 😔
I just made a Workflow to parse my JSON Feed and pull out the URL for the selected post: Get URL for Blog Post
I’m really hoping to see that iOS 11 makes it easier to preserve HealthKit data when restoring devices.
We’ve got some pretty dumb criminals: Drug-deal outside crime-watch meeting leads to arrests - Worcester, MA
Elon Musk is a fascinating leadership study — in this letter he’s modeling behaviors he wants to see, and leading from out front:
This is what all managers at Tesla should do as a matter of course. At Tesla, we lead from the front line, not from some safe and comfortable ivory tower. Managers must always put their team’s safety above their own.
Elon’s letter about factory working conditions - he cares a lot! - teslamotors
I missed this announcement back in March - exciting that CarPlay will be available for my ‘15 Mazda3! Mazda to Add Android Auto, Apple CarPlay Capability
I’m beginning to think that my wrist strain on this new MacBook Pro isn’t due to the keyboard, but the gigantic trackpad - and the lack of a place to rest my palm.
Finally, an update on Day One v2 encryption. I bought v2 over a year ago; still using v1 until this ships: Day One Encryption Internal Beta | Day One